Jourdyn Kort


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WHAT IS YOUR HOMETOWN?  Born in Riverside CA, raised in bullhead since I was 3.

WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR FREE TIME? Being outdoors, kayaking, paddle boarding, hiking, dancing, working out, reading books, listening to podcast…. And Eating bomb food.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVEMENT AND/OR CROSSFIT WORKOUT? Anything that involves gymnastics. Toes to Bar, Muscle ups, chest to bar, handstand push-ups and handstand walks 

ANY ADVICE FOR SOMEONE NEW TO HEAT WAVE CROSSFIT? Don’t be scared to scale a workout. The most important thing is to get your form down. Don’t get discouraged and keep showing up! The more consistent you are the better results you’ll get. Also screw the scale and checkout the InBody exam, it’s a game changer!

WHAT BROUGHT YOU INTO CROSSFIT AND WHAT KEEPS YOU HERE?  I started going on Saturdays with my mom and dad then I signed up and told myself if I’m paying for CrossFit I’m going every day. I started making friends at the box that I looked forward to seeing in the mornings and I fell in love with the grind of the workouts. Something completely different then a gym. You’re part of a community when you sign up at heatwave and I love being a part of something.

WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? "If you stop looking for a short cut and find your discipline and your will, Then you will find your freedom." -Jocko


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Whether you're an experienced CrossFitter looking to continue stepping up your game, or you're just beginning your path to greater overall fitness and wellness, Heat Wave CrossFit is here to help you get there. Join us for a free class today!

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